bubbleColumn 解析

OS: CentOS 7
OpenFOAM version: v1812
Solver: reactingTwophaseEulerFoam
case: tutorials/multiphase/reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam/RAS/bubbleColumn


type    heatAndMomentumTransferTwoPhaseSystem;  // 类型为传热传质两相流

// 各相的名称,与后面的对应, 第 1 个 (air) 为分散相
phases (air water);  

air                                             // air 的性质
    type            purePhaseModel;             // 
    diameterModel   isothermal;                 // 等温的分散相粒径模型
    isothermalCoeffs                            // 系数
        d0              3e-3;                   // 初始直径
        p0              1e5;                    // 参考压力

    residualAlpha   1e-6;                       // 相分数残差控制

water                                           // water 的性质
    type            purePhaseModel;
    diameterModel   constant;
        d               1e-4;

    residualAlpha   1e-6;

/* 针对每个网格,确定为连续相,还是离散相。
   minPartlyContinuousAlpha.air 为视为离散相的气相最小体积分数,
   minFullyContinuousAlpha.air 为视为连续相的气相最小体积分数。 */
blending                                        // 混合
        type            linear;                 // 类型为线性
        minFullyContinuousAlpha.air 0.7;        // 最小全连续相分数 air
        minPartlyContinuousAlpha.air 0.5;       // 最小部分连续相分数 air
        minFullyContinuousAlpha.water 0.7;
        minPartlyContinuousAlpha.water 0.5;

surfaceTension                                  // 表面张力
    (air and water)
        type            constant;
        sigma           0.07;

aspectRatio                                     // 分散相在连续相中的形状因子
    (air in water)
        type            constant;
        E0              1.0;                    // Eotvos 数

    (water in air)
        type            constant;
        E0              1.0;

drag                                            // 阻力
    (air in water)                          // air 为离散相
        type            SchillerNaumann;        // 模型为 SchillerNaumann
        residualRe      1e-3;
            type        none;

    (water in air)
        type            SchillerNaumann;
        residualRe      1e-3;
            type        none;

    (air and water)
        type            segregated;             // 模型为 segregated
        m               0.5;
        n               8;
            type        none;

virtualMass                                     // 附加质量
    (air in water)
        type            constantCoefficient;
        Cvm             0.5;

    (water in air)
        type            constantCoefficient;
        Cvm             0.5;

heatTransfer                                    // 传热
    (air in water)                              // 空气在水中
        type            RanzMarshall;           // 模型为 RanzMarshall
        residualAlpha   1e-4;

    (water in air)                                   // 水在空气中
        type            RanzMarshall;
        residualAlpha   1e-4;




// Minimum allowable pressure        最小允许压力
pMin            10000;

diameterModel 见 Euler 两相流中的 diameterModel