Fluent 网格默认单位是 mm,怎么转换到转换到 OpenFOAM 的 m 的单位?
fluentMeshToFoam -scale 0.001 网格文件 # 缩小 1000 倍
下面是 5.x 的命令说明
Usage: fluentMeshToFoam [OPTIONS] <Fluent mesh file>
-2D <thickness> use when converting a 2-D mesh (applied before scale)
-case <dir> specify alternate case directory, default is the cwd
-fileHandler <handler>
override the fileHandler
do not execute functionObjects
-scale <factor> geometry scaling factor - default is 1
-writeSets write cell zones and patches as sets
-writeZones write cell zones as zones
-srcDoc display source code in browser
-doc display application documentation in browser
-help print the usage